Basic HTML version of Foils prepared July 15 1998

Foil 3 Summary of NPAC's WebFlow

From Overview of NPAC's WebFlow and JWORB Tutorial: ITEA HPCC Conference Aberdeen Md. -- July 13 98. by Geoffrey Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, Tom Haupt, Tom Pulikal

1 WebFlow - a visual programming environment for the Web with real-time dataflow graph authoring tools
2 3-tier multi-server system with Web browser / Java applet front-end, Java Web Server middleware and (Java) computational modules in the backend
3 Early prototype - pure Java system, controlled by servlet based Session, Module and Connection Managers
4 POW middleware will support all languages
5 Used to build both linked modules and as framework for "wrapping legacy codes" as "distributed scientific objects"

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