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Java Tutorial 98- 2: Java Language and Object Oriented Techniques

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox, Nancy McCracken at NAVO Tutorial on Sept 23 1998. Foils prepared Sept 21 1998

In Part 1 of the Tutorial We Covered:
  • Overview including History and alpha versus production issues
  • Comparison of Java and Javascript
  • Overall Java Philosophy and Features including security etc.
This Part(2) of Tutorial Covers
Java Programming Language
  • Introduction to Applications,Applets and their Invocation from HTML
  • "Hello World" and Basic Graphics Applets
Object Oriented and Class Structure
  • Methods, Constructors etc.
  • Interfaces
And in the Remaining Parts of the Java Tutorial We Cover:
  • Applet Programming and Threads
  • Abstract Windowing Toolkit
  • Networking and I/O
  • Futures and HPCC Implications

Table of Contents for Java Tutorial 98- 2: Java Language and Object Oriented Techniques

001 Java Tutorial - 1998
002 Java Language Basics
003 Java Language -- Lexical Issues I
004 Java Language -- Lexical Issues II
005 Java Language -- Program Structure
006 Java Variable/Expression Types
007 Primitive Types
008 Java Language -- Types: Array
009 Java Language -- More on Arrays
010 Java Language -- Expressions
011 Java Language -- Control Flow I
012 Java Language -- Control Flow II
013 Method Definitions
014 The Java Object Model:  Classes, Instances and Methods
015 The Java Object Model Overview
016 Defining a Class
017 API of a Class
018 Using a Class
019 A Computational Class
020 Header of Class Definition
021 Java Language -- Types of Classes - I
022 Java Language -- Types of Classes - II
023 Java Language -- Types of Methods
024 The Java Object Model:  Inheritance and the Class Hierarchy
025 Relationships between Classes
026 Use of Methods Defined in Parent
027 Use of Methods Defined in Parent                    but overridden
     in child class
028 Comments on Casting
029 Array - A Pseudo Class!
030 By value and By reference
031 Comments on Overloading and Overriding in Classes
032 Abstract Methods and Classes Interfaces (classes without 
033 Abstract Methods and Classes
034 Java Language -- Interfaces - Overview
035 Interface Example -- Implementing Storable
036 Interfaces can be used as Classes in type specification
037 Further Features of Interfaces
038 More on Interfaces -- Why use them
039 Packages in Java
040 Overview of Packages and Directory Structure
041 Using Java packages
042 Java 1.0 System Packages
043 Additional Java 1.1 System Packages
044 More on the Java Language:  Exceptions
045 Java Language -- Handling Runtime Errors Using Exceptions
046 User Created Exceptions
047 Basic Structure of Exception Handling in Nested Calls
048 Examples of Exception Hierarchy
049 The complete try/catch/finally statement
050 Classes of Exceptions

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