Basic HTML version of Foils prepared July 5 98

Foil 43 JDCE Worker Threads

From FMS: Forces Modeling and Simulation Handout JSU HPC Summer Institute for Undergraduates, Jackson MS -- June 15 1998. by Wojtek Furmanski, Subhash Nair, Tom Pulikal

For every client (RMI or CORBA) there are worker threads assigned to handle the call-backs from the server-side.
  • The RMIWorker Thread contains references to the corresponding RMIClient.
  • The CorbaWorker contains references to the CorbaClient.
  • class java.lang.Thread (implements java.lang.Runnable)
    • class jdce.util.message.jdceRMIWorker
    • class jdce.util.message.jdceWorker
Both the RMIWorker and CORBAWorker Threads are scheduled by the jdceThreadScheduler. The fact that the ThreadScheduler schedules both the RMI and CORBA threads facilitates collaboration involving RMI and CORBA Clients.

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