HTML version of Abstract of Basic Foils prepared September 13 98

Abstract of Seamless Interfaces, Multi-Tier Gateway Systems, Comments on Sandia DRM Design

From Seamless Interfaces, Multi-Tier Gateway Systems, Comments on Sandia DRM Design Analysis of ASCI DRM Design -- August 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski *

1 We comment on Sandia DRM preliminary document and attach three background presentations describing
2 1) Community project to define standards for seamless interfaces allowing universal access to general hosts
  • can be CORBA facility or Java framework
3 2) NPAC's hierarchical access Gateway multi-tier architecture and illustrate it with
4 3) NPAC Projects using NPAC's WebFlow and JWORB object broker combined with Globus to illustrate viability of hierarchical model for NCSA (NSF Alliance) and DoD HPC modernization applications

in Table To:

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