Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 98

Foil 20 What Particular Programs could run in Gateway Tier I?

From Seamless Interfaces, Multi-Tier Gateway Systems, Comments on Sandia DRM Design Analysis of ASCI DRM Design -- August 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski

The 90% of users who only need HPCC occasionally
Any commodity applications such as modern enterprise information systems
The collection of (Java) servers using commodity protocols -- including IIOP HTTP etc. -- and providing key services not necessarily requiring high performance (MPP's available in backend tier if high performance, large storage etc. needed)
Most of a Command and Control Application which would then interface to backend computational service (e.g. to simulate crisis as in Los Alamos Delphi project)
Several FMS (Forces Modeling) and IMT (Integrated Modeling and Testing) DoD Applications i.e. DMSO style distributed simulation
Some I/O Intensive applications

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