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Basic foilset Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum

Given by Bryan Carpenter, Vladimir Getov (Westminister Univ. UK Speaker), Glenn Judd, Tony Skjellum at SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel on November 13 98. Foils prepared December 6 98
Outside Index Summary of Material

Java Grande Forum Homepage
SC98 Java Grande Panel Presentation
Motivation of subgroup and current activities
Some results
Proposed standard Java API for MPI

Table of Contents for full HTML of Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum

Denote Foils where Image Critical
Denote Foils where HTML is sufficient

1 MPI for Java
2 Introduction and Background
3 Current Status
4 Current Status (contd.)
5 JavaMPI: NPB IS kernel on IBM SP2
6 Java-MPI API Specification
7 mpiJava Class Hierarchy
8 Advanced Message Passing for Java
9 Further Actions
10 Further Actions (contd.)

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared December 6 98

Foil 1 MPI for Java

From Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
Bryan Carpenter, Vladimir Getov, Glenn Judd, Tony Skjellum, Geoffrey Fox and others

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared December 6 98

Foil 2 Introduction and Background

From Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
The existing communication packages in Java - RMI, API to BSD sockets - are optimized for Client/Server programming
The symmetric model of communication is captured in the MPI standard - MPI-1 and MPI-2
A Java-MPI API specification is urgently needed to enable the development of portable JavaGrande applications using MPI

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared December 6 98

Foil 3 Current Status

From Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
mpiJava - Modelled after the C++ binding for MPI. Implementation through JNI wrappers to native MPI software. http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/pcrc/HPJava/
JavaMPI - Automatic generation of wrappers to legacy MPI libraries. C-like implementation based on the JCI code generator. http://perun.hscs.wmin.ac.uk/JavaMPI/
MPIJ - Pure Java implementation of MPI closely based on the C++ binding. A large subset of MPI is implemented using native marshaling. http://ccc.cs.byu.edu/DOGMA/

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared December 6 98

Foil 4 Current Status (contd.)

From Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
JMPI - MPI Soft Tech Inc. have announced a commercial effort under way to develop a message passing environment for Java.
Current ports - Solaris (both WS clusters and SMPs), AIX (both WS clusters and SP2), Windows NT clusters, Origin-2000, Fujitsu AP3000, and Hitachi SR2201.
Java + MPI codes - growing variety including full applications

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared December 6 98

Foil 5 JavaMPI: NPB IS kernel on IBM SP2

From Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared December 6 98

Foil 6 Java-MPI API Specification

From Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel -- November 13 98. *
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First phase in our work on MPI for Java.
Builds on MPI-1 Specification and the current Java Specification.
Provide immediate standardization for common message passing programs in Java
Provide a basis for conversion between C, C++, Fortran and Java.
Eventually, support for aspects of MPI-2 as well as possible improvements to the Java language.

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared December 6 98

Foil 7 mpiJava Class Hierarchy

From Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared December 6 98

Foil 8 Advanced Message Passing for Java

From Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
Second phase in our work on MPI for Java
Current task - to offer a first principles study of MPI-like services in an upward compatible fashion
Purpose - performance and portability
Fundamental look at data marshaling
Preference for Java-natural mechanisms

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared December 6 98

Foil 9 Further Actions

From Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
Standard Java-MPI Specification - Draft document at www.javagrande.org
Discussion and comments to javagrande@npac.syr.edu
Closer contact with C/Fortran MPI Forum community
Final document - next spring

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared December 6 98

Foil 10 Further Actions (contd.)

From Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
Java-MPI wrapper(s) publicly available
Intelligent code generator of wrappers
Pure Java MPI implementation
Test suite
Java-MPI benchmarks
Advanced MPI for Java research

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