Given by Cleve Moler (The MathWorks) at SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel on November 13 98. Foils prepared December 6 98
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Java Grande Forum Homepage |
SC98 Java Grande Panel Presentation |
What is JAMA -- Readeable Code and Proposed Matrix Class Structure |
Examples and Futures |
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Summary of Material
Joe Hicklin Ronald F. Boisvert |
Cleve Moler Bruce Miller |
Peter Webb Roldan Pozo |
Karin Remington |
... MathWorks ... NIST |
Java Grande Forum Panel November 13 1998 |
For more details on JAMA see: |
Basic linear algebra package for Java.User classes for real, dense matrices.
Pedagogical. |
Understandable to non-experts. |
Intended as the standard matrix class?for Java. |
Hisory is Wilkinson and Reinsch, EISPACK, LINPACK, MATLAB |
Matrix |
CholeskyDecomposition |
LUDecomposition |
QRDecomposition |
SingularValueDecomposition |
EigenvalueDecomposition |
double[][]array = ??{{1.,2.,3},{4.,5.,6.},{7.,8.,10.}}; |
Matrix A = new Matrix(array); |
Matrix b = Matrix.random(3,1); |
Matrix x = A.solve(b); |
Matrix r = A.times(x).minus(b); |
double rnorm = r.normInf(); |
Structured matrices (banded, sparse, ...) |
Specialized decompositions (Ax = ?Bx ) |
Complex matrices.General-purpose array class. |