Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Dec 2 1996

Foil 3 Challenges and Opportunities -- New Media

From Master Set of Foils for Presentation on Role of Web Technologies in Advertising Syracuse Ad Club Breakfast Meeting at NiMo Building -- Dec 5, 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox

There are natural Web versions of Video, Print(text), Audio and Images but these will be digital and hence interactive
  • Click on an image and get Audio; manipulate media by rewinding etc.
  • Much more choice for the consumer
Simulation (Java Applets) will allow totally new ways to inform
  • The NiMo Web material could include Applets to allow customer to model home electricity and gas bills for given home construction and usage
  • Games can be embedded in advertising material e.g a better version of Tetris but with advertising material on falling objects!
VRML will allow true 3D objects to be used in web resources

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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