Given by Kivanc Dinver, Geoffrey Fox at Java for CSE Meeting on December 16 1996. Foils prepared January 15 1997
Outside Index
Summary of Material
VPL is a Web-based tool that supports remote access to local computational resources. |
Provides a virtual programming environment accessible via Web browsers over the Internet. |
We describe basic system as used in CPS615 Class Fall 96 and extensions including |
Java to MPI support as well as Fortran plus MPI, HPF |
User choice for Editors |
Visualization of Scientific Results and Machine Performance |
Outside Index Summary of Material
Kivanc Dincer & Geoffrey C. Fox |
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center |
Syracuse University | |
Most of the related work aim to replace classroom activity with a virtual teaching environment. |
Some others concentrate on collaborative environments. |
What about the lab activities required for HPCC programming courses?
VPL is a Web-based tool that supports remote access to local computational resources. |
Provides a virtual programming environment accessible via Web browsers over the Internet. |
targeted towards both novice and advanced users. |
helps collaborating teams in using each others' parallel computational resources and newly developed software. |
An initial prototype was used to to demonstrate PCRC project at Supercomputing `95:
An upgraded version were tailored for Cornell Theory Center environment (IBM SP-2 +Andrew File System) as the Web/HPF module. (To be used in their Virtual Workshops starting in February1997.) |
VPL was used by CPS-615 students for HPF and MPI programming assignments in Fall 96. |
It is a client-server architecture - a central Web server serves/coordinates the access requests to local computational resources. |
Users are represented with a "form" interface where they fill out / select the services that they require. |
VPL supports access to course materials and tutorials as well as a programming interface to run
on parallel machines. |
Client |
Server |
Web Browser |
HTTP Server |
(NCSA) |
Local |
File System |
Connection |
over |
Internet |
(User Directories) |
Access Control |
Programming Interfaces |
Fortran 90/HPF |
Module |
MPI Module |
JAVA/C/Fortran |
2-D |
Graphics |
Text Output |
Performance |
Visualization |
Data |
Visualization |
Text Editor |
File Manager |
Directory & File Operations |
Output Manipulation |
Web |
Browser |
Compilers |
and Linkers |
Java |
Fortran 90 |
C |
Fortran 77 |
User Directories |
Parallel Job |
Launcher |
Workstation Cluster |
Source File |
Executables |
Recent work by E.Akarsu (CHIMP MPI) and B.Carpenter & M. Chang (MPICH) will make it possible to write SPMD style Java code with calls to the MPI message-passing routines.
VPL will be extended to include Java+ MPI programming utilities.
Editor choices:
We currently use a CGI-based editor:
Java AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) is part of freely distributed Java Developer's Kit (JDK). |
It contains basic widgets for platform-independent implementations. |
Visualization system components written using Java are directly supported by the browser and they are independent of the server machine and client machine hardware and software (in the higher system level). |
We employ components written in Java for
Both real-time and postmortem visualization is possible using Java; our work concentrated only on the latter one. |
A concept demo of JPVS (Java-Based Performance Visualization System) was prepared for the ARPA PI meeting in June `96. |
JPVS helps to visualize execution traces generated from Fortran or C codes instrumented with Pablo trace collection (instrumentation) library calls.
JPVS includes modules for visualizing
Common types of graphical utilities in other performance analysis systems are supported:
Annotated |
C Source |
C Compiler |
MPI runtime |
libraries |
Pablo run- |
time library |
Executable |
File |
run |
Program Data |
Profile Data |
Trace Data |
JAVA-Based Performance |
Visualization System |
SDDF Format |
VPLPlot adds VPL the capability of drawing 1- and 2-D plots of the given data.
Its implementation in Java makes VPLPlot platform-independent. |
Visualization of (distributed) data structures.
Controlling the execution of programs through a GUI.
an editor compatible to vi, emacs, pico is desired |
System management utilities must be activated.
more than one server would be beneficial for crowded user audiences.
Saleh AlMohamed (CPS-615 TA) |
Wojtek Furmanski |
Tom Haupt (Tutorials) |
Don Leskiw and Xiaoming Li (PCRC) |
Nancy McCracken |
O. Balsoy, M. Egilmezbilek, M. Sen, H. Topcuoglu (Web Technologies) |
CPS-615 Students |
Caroline Hecht & Kathy Barbieri (Cornell Theory Ctr) |