Given by Wojtek Furmanski at ARL MSRC PET Annual Review and Planning Workshop, Aberdeen, MD, on August 3-5, 1999. Foils prepared August 15 99
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Year 3 Accomplishements |
Selected Year 3 Activities |
Year 4 Proposed Projects |
PET FMS: Summary and Outlook |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Wojtek Furmanski |
NPAC, Syracuse University |
ARL MSRC PET Annual Review and Planning Workshop, |
Aberdeen, MD, August 3-5, 1999 |
Year 3 Accomplishements |
Selected Year 3 Activities |
Year 4 Proposed Projects |
PET FMS: Summary and Outlook |
Core FMS Support - new users and contacts |
Parallel CMS - first prototype delivered |
WebHLA Integration - prototype operational |
CHSSI Support - beta reviews, new proposals |
10 Conference Papers published (including SIW'98, WebSim'99, ASTC'99, UGC'99) |
FMS Tutorial + Lab at the JSU SI `99 |
New FMS Users at ASC |
New FMS Contacts (Technowledge Corp.) |
New Project Plans (Visual SPEEDES) |
Demo in HPCMO Booth at SC'98 (Nov'98) |
FMS CHSSI Proposal with Ft. Belvoir (Jan'99) |
Parallel CMS Release - delivered to Ft. Belvoir (Jul `99) |
Scalable Parallel CMS - in progress (SPEEDES) |
Metacomputing CMS - in progress (visit at CEWES re secure multi-MSRC services Jul `99) |
Parallel CMS Demo: HPCMO Booth, SC'98, Orlando, FL |
Parallel CMS: DIS/HLA Bridge, Playback, DirX SimVis |
Prototype WebHLA Framework operational - tested for Parallel CMS at Ft. Belvoir |
WebHLA based SPEEDES Training - under development (SPEEDES installed at MSRCs) |
WebHLA based Metacomputing CMS - under development (NT Cluster prototype) |
DMSO RTI - A Promising New Model for General Purpose High Level Metacomputing Operating Environment |
Dual-use of WebHLA for High Performance Commodity Computing |
`99 FMS CHSSI Proposal with SPAWAR |
FMS-4 (SPEEDES based Parallel IMPORT) Beta Test External Review Report, Apr `99 |
FMS-3 (SPEEDES based Parallel NSS) Beta Test External Review Report, Jun `99 |
Visual SPEEDES Planning with Metron |
New FMS CHSSI Proposals (Jan `99) |
FMS-3 and FMS-4 Beta Reviews (Apr `99) |
Technowledge Corporation (May `99) |
Visual SPEEDES Planning (Jun `99) |
Parallel CMS release for Ft. Belvoir (Jul `99) |
ASC FMS Users Meeting (Jul `99) |
With Pamela M. Jacobs/Ft. Belvoir, WebHLA Toolkit for Metacomputing based FMS
With Larry J. Peterson/SPAWAR, Chris Wallace/TRW, HPC for Scalable Cognitive Entities in Forces Modeling and Simulation |
Parallel IMPORT/NSS - both SPEEDES based |
SPEEDES installed and tested at ARL, CEWES, NRL, NPAC workstations cluster |
Precision runs at NRL (under MISER scheduler) |
Linear scaling up to 100,000 ParNSS objects |
Metron reports now scaling up to 1M objects |
Public (Small Cap NASDAQ) Company ($25M valuation, 99% revenue from Gov Contracts) |
Found about WebHLA on the Web |
Proposed to partner on DARPA BAA for Agile Air Campaign Simulation |
Proposal rejected but contacts established |
Discussed with Jeff Steinman during visit to Metron, San Diego, Jun `99 |
Wargame2000 requests SPEEDES to support UML |
Metron developed extended UML design for Visual SPEEDES |
Planned WebFlow/UML based implementation |
Will be useful both for SPEEDES development (CHSSI) and SPEEEDES training (PET) |
Activity |
Diagrams |
A model is a complete |
description of a system |
from a particular |
perspective |
Models |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_S_ |
HLA_2 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_Event |
Handler_1 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Event_1 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Process_1 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Component |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_Event |
Handler_2 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_S_ |
HLA_1 |
interrupts |
enacts, |
+0 |
enacts, +4 |
+2 |
waits, |
+10 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_Gate |
wakes up |
opens, +0 |
closes |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Object_1 |
1..5 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_S_ |
HLA_3 |
GetNODE():int |
NODE:int = 1 |
APP_ |
Process_2 |
asks |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Event_1 |
+7 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Object_3 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Object_2 |
2..* |
* |
+0 |
GetNODE():int |
+6 |
Ship |
Radar |
interrupts |
enacts, |
+0 |
enacts, +4 |
+2 |
waits, |
+10 |
wakes up |
opens, +0 |
closes |
1..5 |
GetNODE():int |
asks |
+7 |
2..* |
* |
+0 |
+6 |
"Deto- |
nate" |
"Begin |
Scan" |
Alert |
Head- |
quarters |
Initialize |
Missile |
Head- |
quarters |
Missile |
Ship |
Controller |
Trajectory |
Gate |
Detonate |
Anayzer |
Ship |
Data |
Detonate |
Statistics |
Ft, Belvoir requested Parallel CMS software release in Jul `99 |
Interest both in HLA and HPC support |
All components of WebHLA based Parallel CMS tested, packaged and delivered Jul `99 |
Major software release: 60Meg tar.gz file! |
JWORB - Java Web Object Request Broker - middleware server |
OWRTI - Object Web Run-Time Infrastructure - HLA communication |
OMBuilder - Object Model Builder - Web based FOM authoring tool |
Parallal CMS - Origin2000 port of CMS from Ft. Belvoir |
JScope - Java based parallel performance monitor and PDU probing tool |
JDIS - Java based DIS=>HLA bridge server (for ModSAF subnet) |
SimVis - DirectX based 3D simulation visualization front-end |
Logger Federate - used to save simulation events in a relational database |
Playback Federate - used to replay a simulation from an event database |
Meta-Cluster Manager - to coordinate HPC platforms at various MSRCs |
SPEEDES based Parallel CMS - to assure optimal scalability and portability |
Initial contacts with ASC established during UGC in Monterey, Jun `99 |
FMS meeting at ASC held Jul 29, `99 |
Several M&S projects at WPAFB/ASC interested in FMS and classified MSRC support (ARL?) |
Two initial thrusts identified: Thunder (Air Campaign Simulator), SIMAF (Virtual Cockpit Simulator for SBA) |
Core FMS Support: FMS activities at all 4 MSRCs |
CHSSI Training Materials: SPEEDES Training |
Scalable Parallel CMS: Integrate CMS with SPEEDES |
WebHLA based Metacomputing: Run 1M+ mines |
WebHLA installation and training at selected (all?) MSRCs |
Support for current (Ft. Belvoir) and new (ASC) FMS users |
Outreach to identify new users (confs, FMS training) |
New technologies/tools (WebFlow/UML) |
Deliver WebHLA based SPEEDES Training |
Adapt and Use Parallel CMS as SPEEDES Training Application / Demo |
Complete training materials for Parallel IMPORT, HPC RTI and Parallel NSS |
Use scattered (cyclic) minefield decomposition (instead of SGI pragmas that don't work for complex C++ M&S codes such as CMS) |
Achieve linear scalability for the whole processor range on Origin2000 |
Deep insight into CMS source and object design required to accomplish this task |
CMS Object Analysis and Design - UML Class Diagram |
1M mines is upper limit for single 128-node Origin2000 |
Several O2K machines required for 1M+ mines => real DoD application need for Metacomputing CMS |
Will initially include ARL, CEWES and NRL machines; add NAVO, ASC and selected DCs later |
Will use Kerberized JWORB for security |
Will use OWRTI for MetaCluster Management |
Will address integration with Par NSS and Thunder |
First Iteration Cycle Accomplished:
Next Step Strategy: