Given by Wojtek Furmanski at NPAC Research Activity on November 18 98. Foils prepared 22 November98
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for Ginny To of ARL |
Foils cover two areas:
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Parallel CMS Demo at Supercomputing `98 |
November 7-13, 1998, Orlando, FL and |
WebHLA based Support for Metacomputing FMS Applications with Parallel CMS as a Testbed Application |
FMS CHSSI Proposal Planning |
Wojtek Furmanski |
20 November 98 |
CMS (Comprehensive Minefield Simulator) - advanced DIS system by Ft. Belvoir, recently parallelized on Origin2000 by PET FMS (NPAC) |
ModSAF (Modular Semi-Automated Forces) by STRICOM - provides advanced support for terrain and vehicle simulation (tanks, coutermines) |
Mak Stealth - commercial DIS battlefield visualizer from Mak Technologies |
Direct3D DIS Viewer - commodity/NT front-end for Parallel CMS developed by PET FMS (NPAC) |
At NPAC, Syracuse Unviersity:
At SC98 in Orlando:
Scenario - heavy breach operation at Ft. Knox, developed for Syracuse by Ft. Belvoir |
Networking - MBONE connection satisfactory between NPAC and MSRCs, difficulties in Orlando |
Speedup - so far linear up to 8 nodes, more work and tests needed to scale for larger partitions |
SC98 demo - early capability only but already generated some interest and visibility (NAVO, ASC) |
Next steps - Multi-MSRC Metacomputing CMS - see planned FMS CHSSI proposal |
CMS Front-End for the Ft. Knox Minefield Breach Operation |
ModSAF Front-End for the Ft. Knox Minefield Breach Operation |
Parallel CMS Performance Monitor and PDU Sampler/Sniffer |
Direct3D based Commodity (NT) Front-End for Parallel CMS |
Mak Stealth - High End SGI Viewer adapted for Parallel CMS |
WebHLA based Support for Metacomputing FMS Applications with Parallel CMS as a Testbed Application |
Wojtek Furmanski |
20 November 98 |
FMS CHSSI Proposal Planning |
Parallel CMS - a natural candidate for Metacomputing FMS application, including several MSRCs and acting as a testbed for variety of HPC platofms |
Should be converted from DIS to HLA (High Level Architecture) - a promising interoperability and federation standard by DMSO, already accepted by IEEE and now proposed by DMSO to OMG as CORBA Simulation Facility |
Should be given interactive Web interfaces to facilitate multiuser access and collaborative distance training |
WebHLA prototyped by FMS PET at Syracuse offers a promising infrastructure for Metacomputing CMS and a starting point for a follow-on FMS CHSSI project and system |
JWORB (Java Web Object Request Broker) - Java based CORBA broker acting as HLA middleware |
OWRTI (Object Web Run-Time Infrastructure) - Java CORBA based implementation of DMSO RTI 1.3 packaged as JWORB service |
OMBuilder - Excel+VBA based Visual FOM/SOM Authoring tool with Aegis OMDT look-and-feel |
DirectX based SimVis Front-End - uses DirectPlay for multiplayer gaming to bridge with RTI middleware |
Pragmatic Object Web conceptual framework - integrates HLA with Java, CORBA, COM and XML |
Complete and stabilize current infrastructure components of WebHLA (JWORB, OWRTI, OMBuilder, SimVis) |
Integrate OWRTI with other RTIs such as HPC RTI under development by FMS-5 (with Syracuse participation) |
Port HPC modules (such as Parallel CMS) to HPC RTI, port distributed modules (such as ModSAF or SimVis) to OWRTI |
Use Metacomputing CMS over multi-MSRC facilities as a testbed application for various hardware platforms and FMS software modules (E-ModSAF, HPC RTI etc.) |
JWORB - multi-protocol middleware server for object based High Performance Distributed Computing |
OWRTI - First Non-DMSO Implementation of RTI 1.3, to be certified by DMSO as part of FMS-5 |
OMBuilder for WebFlow based Visual HLA Authoring |
WebHLA authoring tools: WebFlow + OMBuilder for DMSO Jager HLA application/demonstration |
Similar to HLA/RTI but |
without object/database model |
(OMT, OML, FOMs, SOMs) |
DirectX based SimVis Commodity Tools for CMS (left) and Jager (below) |
DMSO RTI - A Promising New Model for General Purpose High Level Metacomputing Operating Environment |
Dual-use of WebHLA for High Performance Commodity Computing |