Given by David Bernholdt, Geoffrey C. Fox at Cewes PET Annual Meeting on February 9-10 1999. Foils prepared February 20 1999
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Year 3 of DoD Modernization PET Program |
Collaboration and Communication |
Training |
Distance Education |
CDROM for Computational Science |
Web Interfaces to Computation |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
NPAC/Syracuse University |
Geoffrey Fox |
NPAC/Syracuse University |
Annual Review 9-10 February 1999 |
Staffing |
Luk Beca |
David Bernholdt |
Geoffrey Fox |
Tom Major |
Konrad Olszewski |
Marek Podgorny |
Piotr Sokolowski |
Remek Trzaska |
Yuping Zhu |
Trip reports routinely posted on NPAC web site & distributed by email |
On-going Tango enhancements & releases
On-going operation of web-linked database apps, assistance with transfer to CEWES
Tango training at CEWES (Nov'98) |
Numerous Tango trainings elsewhere open to DoD researchers |
Tango tutorial on installation and operation at JSU, assistance with CEWES Tango installation (7 person-days) |
Continued user support |
Ongoing involvement in national activities (such as DoD users meeting and NPACI/NSCA PACI Leading Edge Sites and Partners) leads to continuing better understanding of collaborative technologies and how to meet PET needs |
Presented together with closely related Training Core technical progress |
Geoffrey Fox |
NPAC/Syracuse University |
Annual Review 9-10 February 1999 |
Staffing |
David Bernholdt |
Geoffrey Fox |
Jin Jianxiang |
Norka Lucena |
Tom Major |
Roman Markowski |
Marek Podgorny |
Tom Stachowiak |
Remek Trzaska |
Trip reports posted to NPAC web site & distributed by email |
PET Program-Wide Training Group Meetings (at User Group Conference) |
Tango enhancements & releases to support training and education
Evaluation of multimedia databases for training |
Fox leads graduate education program for NSF PACI (combined NCSA/NPACI) |
Through PACI also see how tools for K-12 and other educational areas can by synergistic with DoD needs
Also Fox one of lead authors of pedagogical book on parallel computing planned by CRPC |
Trip reports from more than 30 events this year |
Most related to collab/training and/or other technical areas |
Very few events PET-supported | |
Also distributed by email |
Main focus on:
TANGO 1.01 released in May 98
Radically improved system
TANGO 1.1 |
Graphical User |
Interface |
(based on Java Swing classes) |
Application improvements:
Shared Pointer added to Internet Assistant PowerPoint on the web |
Illustrates sharing of W3C Object Model |
DHTML "Heartbeat" recording shared events in last 60 seconds |
Shared Multiple List |
Shared Buttons |
Shared Text field |
Shared Checkbox |
New applications
New applications, continued.
Extensive in-house and field testing
In-depth study of underlying (undocumented) browser technology |
Dozens of bugs uncovered and fixed |
Improvements to protocols and architectural modifications in multithreaded design of server and client |
Robust installation procedures implemented |
SoW stipulates support for Internet Explorer
Alternative approach studied, designed, and prototyped (full implementation proposed for Year 4)
To enable 3rd-party application development, a set of new APIs was designed and documented |
TANGO runtime functionality encapsulated in a system proxy agent
TANGOBean enables visual programming of collaborative applications (no extra coding!) |
New APIs support embedding of active shared objects in Web pages! |
Personal Identity Module for TANGO
TANGO/Mail/Listserv interface implemented, being integrated (critical synchronous/Asynchronous capability)
Local storage and file distribution interface implemented, being integrated |
New client supports configurable, domain-specific interfaces
Support for run-time server hoping |
Support for communities/interest groups |
Hierarchical visualization of the "collaboration space"
More granular, "per-session" floor control |
New session control paradigm |
Comprehensive, multi-level access to user information |
New shared browser supports shared access to pages of arbitrary complexity, including CSS-based contents |
Sharing of XML-compliant documents is fully supported |
Shared access to relational courseware repositories is implemented via server-side extensions implementing XML-style tags (WebWisdom NT 2.1) |
Support for education:
Support for training:
Contributed substantially to tracking of technology and progress in broad area (not limited to C/C & Training) |
Substantial enhancement of Tango to meet requirements of PET education, training and collaboration activities. |
Tools are now in a position where routine use by broad spectrum of users is appropriate; deployment/acceptance is next issue |
Geoffrey Fox |
NPAC/Syracuse University |
Annual Review 9-10 February 1999 |
Staffing |
Ozgur Balsoy, Saleh Elmohamed, Geoffrey Fox, Meryem Ispirli, Jin Jianxiang, Norka Lucena, Tom Major, Roman Markowski, Nancy McCracken, Marek Podgorny, Tom Scavo, Mehmet Sen, Tom Stachowiak, Remek Trzaska |
4 trips to JSU by NPAC instructors, 1 for Tango |
Spring 98 class: 8 students, Fall 98 class: 7 students, Spring 99 class: 21 students (3 schools) |
Presentation at SC98: Synchronous Learning at a Distance: Experiences with Tango Interactive |
Installed Student (grading, homework, registration) Database System (web-linked Oracle database written at NPAC) at JSU for use with other dist. edu. courses. |
Extensive & regular use of DREN & interactions with DREN staff |
"Research" universities deliver courses over the network to "teaching focused" universities
Use TangoInteractive/ WebWisdom for synchronous delivery of lectures from SU to JSU |
Pilot for distance training of DoD users |
NPAC Web Server |
JSU Proxy |
Web Server |
Java Tango Server |
....... |
Share URL's |
Audio Video |
Conferencing Chat Rooms |
White Boards etc. |
Address at JSU of Curriculum Page |
Teacher's View of Curriculum Page |
Student's View of Curriculum Page |
Participants at JSU |
Teacher/Lecturer at NPAC |
....... |
Java Control Clients |
Taught in Spring 98 (started during Yr2). Repeat of Fall 97 class, popular at JSU |
JSU faculty attended to "learn" material |
Taught Web architecture, CGI programming and Java |
Additional refinements of architecture with proxy web server to avoid copying of materials. |
Taught parallel computing architecture, scientific applications and algorithms, parallel programming in C/MPI. (Material on CD-ROM) |
Used an on-line "Virtual Programming Lab" to compute with NPAC parallel computing resources. |
Teaching graduate students led to additional kinds of feedback for Tango and style of distance teaching. |
The paper "Synchronous Learning at a Distance: Experiences with Tango Interactive" was presented at the education sessions of SC98 in November. |
We have just begun teaching a distance education course based on the Syracuse course CPS616 Web Software Technologies. |
Given at JSU to 9 students for credit. Also attended by 10 students at Mississippi State and 2 students from Clark Atlanta University for certificates. |
The course will include multi-tier web architecture, web-linked databases, user interfaces with JavaScript and DHTML, distributed objects with RMI and CORBA, XML, and security issues. |
Now in fourth semester of course delivery! |
Enhanced edu. opportunities for students |
Gives local faculty a head start developing new courses (i.e. JSU now teaching "Programming for the Web" via Tango) |
Distance education tools & techniques being adopted by JSU |
This approach to dist. edu. is now in some sense "routine", but active support still valuable (in addition to education aspects)
Makes extensive use of DREN |
David Bernholdt |
NPAC/Syracuse University |
Annual Review 9-10 February 1999 |
Staffing |
David Bernholdt |
Saleh Elmohamed |
Geoffrey Fox |
Nancy McCracken |
Deepak Ramanathan |
Master CD-ROM prepared (done) |
CD-ROM duplicated & ready for distribution (delayed to allow incorporation of new dynamic HTML (DHTML) capabilities) |
DHTML significantly improved ease of use of Syracuse-produced class materials |
Will be ready for distribution at DoD HPC UGC |
Builds on first edition, distributed at 1998 DoD HPC UGC |
Much material revised
Significant new material
2 discs, 886 MB total content |
Lectures from CPS615, Computational Science for Simulation Applications, were revised during the teaching of the fall course (given remotely at JSU). Major revisions or additions:
Updated links to outside resources |
HPCC resources in the National High Performance Software Exchange went through a major revision, particulary: HPCC Glossary, HPCC hardware vendors, Parallel computing architectures |
From Chuck Koelbel at Rice Univ:
From Mississippi State
Leslie Southern |
Ohio Supercomputer Center |
David Bernholdt |
NPAC/Syracuse University |
Presented by OSC |
Tomasz Haupt |
NPAC/Syracuse University |
Annual Review 9-10 February 1999 |
Staffing |
Erol Akarsu |
Tom Haupt |
Demonstration of WebFlow capabilities to build java client interfaces and to provide access to remote resources for
WebFlow documentation, developers guide and user training (to be delivered on March 9, 1999)
5 visits to CEWES (17 person-days), 1 to Mary Wheeler's group |
Web-based LMS prototype:
collaboration with Mobility Systems Division (N. Deliman, B.Gates) |
technical report and tutorial (by March) |
Tier 1 is a high-level front-end for visual programming. |
Distributed object-based, scalable, and reusable Web server and Object broker Middleware forms Tier 2. |
Back-end services comprise Tier 3. |
. |
WebFlow applications are composed of independent reusable modules |
Modules are written by module developers who have only limited knowledge of the system on which the modules will run. |
The WebFlow system hides module management and coordination functions |
To develop a web based system that implements a "navigate-and-choose" paradigm and allows the end user to:
Anytime, anywhere, using any platform |
(e.g., a connected to the internet laptop PC)
A decision maker (the end user of the system) wants to evaluate changes in vegetation in some geographical region over a long time period caused by some short term disturbances such as a fire or human's activities. |
One of the critical parameters of the vegetation model (EDYS) is soil condition at the time of the disturbance. |
This in turn is dominated by rainfalls that possibly occur at that time (CASC2D simulation) |
Input data for the simulations are available from the Internet, such as Data Elevation Models (DEM) from USGS web site or from custom databases (spieces characteristics) |
Data retrieval |
Data preprocessing |
Simulation: two interacting codes
Visualization |
EDYS: vegetation model |
CASC2D: watershed model |
WMS: Watershed Modeling System |
Data retrieval |
Data pre- and |
post-processing |
Simulations |
The data wizard allows the user to interactively select the data and |
download them to the local machine. The raw data are then fed to the WMS system launched from the browser to generate input files for simulations. |
Launching coupled simulations on different back-end computational resources |
The results of the |
simulations are sent |
back to the front end, |
and can be visualized |
using tools included |
in WMS package |
Progress: |
- object oriented approach - implementation: - CORBA based middle-tier - bean-box type API - JDBC proxy modules |
- Web interface to store data in DB in variable format - Data transfer from DB to a visualization engine |
- Coordinates transformations on |
a remote server - Launching simulations on remote |
hosts with interactive input |
Remote HPCC resources |
Deliver useful web interfaces to customers
Established general approach to web interfacing problem and developed supporting infrastructure -- both transferable to other applications |
Training to be delivered |
Mobility Systems work has already pushed project into newest technology (CORBA) -- more general & easier than LMS approach |
Work with more CTAs to develop truly "universal" approach & tools |
Wojtek Furmanski |
NPAC/Syracuse University |
Annual Review |
9-10 February 1999 |
Staffing |
David Bernholdt |
Geoffrey Fox |
Wojtek Furmanski |
Timucin Ozdemir |
Tom Pulikal |
Mahesh Rengaswamy |
Staffing |
Wojtek Furmanski, Survesh Jithendran, Dinesh Kasthuril, Ganesh Krishnamurthy, Subhash Nair, Zeynep Odcikin-Ozdemir, Timucin Ozdemir, Tom Pulikal, Krishnan Ragarajan, Mahesh Rengaswamy, Anusha Shankar, Sachin Shanbhag, Rudrasen Shitole, Ankur Sood |
WebHLA Modules Development (OWRTI, CMS etc.) |
Conference Presentations (10 papers published) |
Demonstrations (JSIMS/Panda @ SPAWAR, SC'98) |
Tutorials (FMS at JSU, SPEEDES at JNTF) |
Book Development (Pragmatic Object Web, Wiley `99) |
Assisting FMS CHSSI Team (FMS-3, FMS-4, FMS-5) |
Help with FMS CHSSI `99 Proposals (2 submitted) |
PET FMS Web Site Development (100+ pages) |
WebHLA Modules Development (OWRTI, CMS etc.)
Conference Presentations (10 papers published)
Demonstrations (JSIMS/Panda @ SPAWAR, SC'98)
Tutorials (FMS JSU, SPEEDES at JNTF)
Book Development (Pragmatic Object Web, Wiley `99)
Assisting FMS CHSSI Team (FMS-3, FMS-4, FMS-5)
Help with FMS CHSSI `99 Proposals (2 submitted)
PET FMS Web Site Development (100+ pages)
Builds on JWORB/OWRTI Middleware |
Includes Parallel CMS as HPC Federate |
Includes ModSAF, Vis, Log etc. Federates |
Early WebHLA demos (Jager) - Summer 98 |
Parallel CMS Demo at SC'98, Fall 98 |
Mobile laptop demo (event playback) - Feb `99 |
Final demo - end of March `99 |
WebHLA/Parallel CMS Demo at the HPCMO Booth at Supercomputing `98 |
November 7-13, 1998, Orlando, FL |
CMS (Comprehensive Minefield Simulator) - advanced DIS system by Ft. Belvoir, recently parallelized on Origin2000 by PET FMS |
ModSAF (Modular Semi-Automated Forces) by STRICOM - provides advanced support for terrain and vehicle simulation (tanks, coutermines) |
Mak Stealth - commercial DIS battlefield visualizer from Mak Technologies |
SimVis - DirectX/3D Battlefield Viewer; commodity/NT front-end for Parallel CMS developed by PET FMS |
At NPAC, Syracuse Unviersity:
At SC98 in Orlando:
Scenario - heavy breach operation at Ft. Knox, developed for Syracuse by Ft. Belvoir |
Networking - MBONE connection satisfactory between NPAC and MSRCs, difficulties in Orlando |
Speedup - so far linear up to 8 nodes, more work and tests needed to scale for larger partitions |
SC98 demo - early capability only but already generated some interest and visibility |
Next steps - Full HLA support (end of Year 3), Multi-MSRC Metacomputing CMS (Year 3 proposal) |
CMS Front-End for the Ft. Knox Minefield Breach Operation |
ModSAF Front-End for the Ft. Knox Minefield Breach Operation |
Parallel CMS Performance Monitor and PDU Sampler/Sniffer |
Direct3D based Commodity (NT) Front-End for Parallel CMS |
Mak Stealth - High End SGI Viewer adapted for Parallel CMS |
SC'98 Parallel CMS Demo - DIS based |
HLA conversion of old/legacy modules (CMS, ModSAF) - in progress |
New DIS/HLA modules (JDIS, Logger, Playback, SimVis) - initially operational and being completed/refined |
Mobile laptop demo (under development - to be shown at Year 3 review) enables scenario storage, playback and analysis |
Final demo will include all WebHLA components listed below - to be available end of March 99. |
JWORB (Java Web Object Request Broker) - Java based CORBA broker acting as HLA middleware |
OWRTI (Object Web Run-Time Infrastructure) - Java CORBA based implementation of DMSO RTI 1.3 packaged as JWORB service |
OMBuilder - Excel+VBA based Visual FOM/SOM Authoring tool with Aegis OMDT look-and-feel |
DirectX based SimVis Front-End - uses DirectPlay for multiplayer gaming to bridge with RTI middleware |
JDIS - DIS-HLA bridge and PDU probe generator written in Java |
JScope (Parallel Performance Monitor), Logger and Playback Federates |
Pragmatic Object Web conceptual framework - integrates HLA with Java, CORBA, COM and XML |
Good progress in developing WebHLA - potential new breakthrough technology from FMS CTA |
Major publication efforts (several papers, book, FMS Web site) generate broad visibility for FMS |
Building solid relations with Ft. Belvoir and SPAWAR (via joint CHSSI proposals) |
Initial interest of JSIMS (Jeff Wallace) and DMSO (Judith Dahmann) in WebHLA |