Basic HTML version of Abstract of Foils prepared April 22 2000

Abstract of Parallel FFT and use in PDE Solvers

From Parallel FFT and use in PDE Solvers Computational Science Class CPS615 -- Winter Semester 2000. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

We start by motivating the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) as a solver for Poisson's equation
The we discuss sequential 1D discrete FFT in both DIF (Decimation in Frequency) and DIT (Decimation in Time) modes
We describe general N=N1*N2 case but soon specialize to binary (Cooley Tukey) FFT.
For binary case, we go through parallelism and use of cache giving a performance analysis
These lectures motivate later lectures on Fast Multipole method as general Green's function solver which is more flexible than FFT

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