There is an emerging DOM or Document Object Model which will be uniform model used by W3C, Netscape, Microsoft
It allow you to address individual components of a page e.g. text box, image or collections thereof as separate entities
DOM is quite close to IE 4.0 conventions
Cascading Style Sheets allow one more powerful ways of assigning properties (such as color fonts etc.) to these components using either name(id) or type (<h2> tag etc.)
DHTML or dynamic HTML allows one to address the components of document and change on the fly (without reloading page) the properties of these components
This includes not only natural style properties but also position, size and "visibility"
DHTML currently handicapped by major differences between IE4 and Netscape 4 -- functionalities are similar but syntax very different
JavaScript combined with DHTML allows animations, graphs and replacement of just parts of text