Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 19 99

Foil 65 JAVA Fine-grained Access Control-1

From Remarks on Internet and Java Security Basic Information Track Computational Science Course CPS616 -- Spring Semester 1999. by Geoffrey Fox, Mehmet Sen

Essential mechanisms include the following:
Identity:Every piece of code needs a specific identity for security decisions. Origin (URL) and signature, represented in the class , define identity.
Permissions: System requests to perform a particular operation on particular target are allowed based on permissions. A policy says which permissions are granted to which principals. Permissions include:
  • for file system access, e.g., f = new filePermission ("/tmp/applets.db", "read");
  • for network access, e.g., sp= new SocketPermission("", "connect")
  • java.lang.PropertyPermission for Java properties
  • java.lang.RuntimePermission for access to runtime system resources
  • for authentication
  • java.awt.AWTPermission for access to graphical resources such as windows

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