Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 19 99

Foil 138 Globus Security Functional Requirements - I

From Remarks on Internet and Java Security Basic Information Track Computational Science Course CPS616 -- Spring Semester 1999. by Geoffrey Fox, Mehmet Sen

Single sign-on: A user should be able to authenticate once to "Globus" (e.g., when starting a computation); a computation should then be able to acquire, use, and release resources, and communicate internally, without additional authentication from the user.
Protection of credentials: User credentials (passwords, private keys, etc) must be protected.
Interaction with local policies: Globus security policy must interface with locally enforced security policies, mechanisms and implementations, such as firewalls, Kerberos authentication, one-time passwords, etc.
Support for multiple implementations: The security policy should not dictate a specific implementation technology. Rather, it should be possible to implement the security policy with a range of security technologies, for example, X.500 based public key, PGP public key, Kerberos shared secret and SESAME.

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