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Case Studies in Internetics -- Survey of JavaOne and Discussion of Possible Projects

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS714 Computational Science Information Track on June 22 99. Foils prepared June 22 99

Some remarks on JavaOne
Including discussion of Some of Keynotes
Discussion of Sun announcements at JavaOne
Discussion of Possible Projects

Table of Contents for Case Studies in Internetics -- Survey of JavaOne and Discussion of Possible Projects

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1 CPS714 Case Studies in Internetics Summary of JavaOne Discussion of Projects
2 Abstract of CPS714-99 JavaOne and Projects Set
3 JavaOne June 15-18 1999
4 Java Grande Conference June 12-14 1999
5 Themes of JavaOne I
6 Themes of JavaOne II
7 News From The 1999 JavaOneSM Conference I
8 News From The 1999 JavaOneSM Conference II
9 News From The 1999 JavaOneSM Conference III
10 Possible Projects I
11 Possible Projects II

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