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Basic Mathematics of Security Systems

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS714 Computational Science Information Track on June 2 99. Foils prepared May 30 99

Note this material is not impacted by recent (Web) advances and so can be studied in "venerable" books such as:
Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World, Kaufman, Perlman and Speciner, Prentice Hall 1995
Web leads to important new applications of security mathematics and nifty pure mathematics is making progress in cracking longer and longer keys
We discuss Secret Key Technology and Public Key Technology with applications to
  • Transmission over insecure media
  • Digital signatures
  • Message Integrity

Table of Contents for Basic Mathematics of Security Systems

001 Basic Mathematics of Security Systems   CPS714 Summer 99 Lecture 
    recorded May 30 99 for delivery June 2 99
002 Abstract of CPS714 Mathematics of Security Lecture
003 Introduction to Cryptography
004 Breaking an Encryption Scheme
005 Types of Cryptographic Function
006 Security Uses of Cryptography
007 Secret Key Cryptography
008 Uses of Secret Key Cryptography
009 Secret Key Authentication
010 Message Integrity with Secret Key Cryptography
011 Public Key Cryptography
012 Insecure Link Transmission with Public Key Cryptography
013 Authentication with public key Cryptography
014 Digital Signatures and Public Key Cryptography
015 Use of Digital Signatures with public key Cryptography
016 Hash and Message Digests in Detail
017 Some Math Behind Secret Key Cryptography
018 Some Math behind RSA Algorithm -I
019 Some Math behind RSA Algorithm -II
020 Combining Public and Secret Keys

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