Basic HTML version of Foils prepared July 9 99

Foil 26 Authoring the Curricula

From Distance Education: How to do it DoD HPC Modernization Users Group Tutorial Monterey California, ACM Java Grande San Francisco, EDMEDIA Seattle -- June 7 99, June 14 99, June 20 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 It would be good to use simulations and nifty animations and digital video if available
  • Simulations can be server side objects or client side (applets)
2 But in most real classes, use PowerPoint or HTML (with various levels of sophistication in editor)
  • Using COM can store individual foils of PowerPoint in a database
3 At the high end, currently use Macromedia Director or equivalent technology but this is transitory as not the web?
4 Only use technologies that support very good web export that respects W3C object model with clear structure (i.e. XML)
5 Build educational objects that can be stored in a database and exported as HTML/XML using some template
6 Store video and images in multi-resolution format to accommodate different curricula quality/network bandwidth tradeoffs
7 Expect authoring tools to improve

in Table To:

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