Basic HTML version of Foils prepared July 9 99

Foil 28 4 Approaches to Authoring of Back End Resource II

From Distance Education: How to do it DoD HPC Modernization Users Group Tutorial Monterey California, ACM Java Grande San Francisco, EDMEDIA Seattle -- June 7 99, June 14 99, June 20 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 "Medium End" such as WebCT or Cornell Virtual Workshop where one provides knowledge at different levels of detail, glossaries, quizzes and dynamic instructional nuggets.
  • This will be done in modern fashion using Java , XML plus Dynamic HTML and be dominant approach
2 "Traditional but in my opinion clumsy High End" such as the classic Multimedia CDROM ( or its web equivalent) prepared by sophisticated authoring tools such as Macromedia Director and with possibly professionally produced videos.
  • Too much effort that this will have no value in long run as need to develop XML based documents with educational not Macromedial definitions

in Table To:

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