Basic HTML version of Foils prepared July 9 99

Foil 57 Collaboration II

From Distance Education: How to do it DoD HPC Modernization Users Group Tutorial Monterey California, ACM Java Grande San Francisco, EDMEDIA Seattle -- June 7 99, June 14 99, June 20 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Notification mechanism enhances collaboration as enables dynamic federation of relevant objects to be automatically maintained
  • Kodak would like this service to group together digital versions of photographs taken at particular events (e.g. a wedding)
2 Notification can be used for people so their presence on-line can be made known to those in particular collaborative users
3 Users decide if notification causes an active signal (send electronic mail, ring a buzzer) or passively alters a list on a web page.
4 Event Model unifies synchronous and asynchronous models of collaboration
  • Event either triggers action immediately and/or asynchronously ( sending e-mail immediately is synchronous act generating asynchronous record)

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