We describe Java Grande -- definition, motivation and current status
The Java Grande Forum has numerical and distributed computing working groups and projects include
Discuss Java for Parallel Computing including message passing passing (MPI) and data parallelism |
001 Java Grande: Is Java Useful in MPP/HPCC Environments? 002 Abstract of Frontiers 99 Java Grande Presentation 003 My Personal Philosophy 004 What is Java Grande? 005 Basic Issues in Java Grande 006 Why is Java Worth Looking at? 007 What is the Competition? 008 Why could Java succeed where Fortran and C++ failed? 009 PPT Slide 010 A Multi-Tier Computing System 011 What is the Process? 012 What is Goal of Java Grande Forum? 013 Presentations at SC98 Panel Session 014 Two types of Things the Forum is doing 015 Activities of the Java Grande Forum I 016 Numerical Computing in Java 017 Java Grande Forum Floating Point Proposals 018 Activities of the Java Grande Forum II 019 Some Remarks on Remote Method Invocation RMI 020 Performance for Java RMI/ORB's 021 Java Performance for Structures 022 C++ ORB Much Faster than Java! 023 Future Activities of Concurrency Group 024 Java Framework for Computing Services 025 Seamless Interfaces 026 DATORR and JavaCS 027 DATORR Interfaces and 3 Tier Architecture 028 Possible Services in DATORR or Java Computing Framework 029 www.datorr.org 030 Gateway 031 WebFlow + Globus Backend Functional Architecture for Nanomaterials Application 032 Activities in MPI for Java 033 PPT Slide 034 PPT Slide 035 Java and Parallelism I? 036 Java and Parallelism II? 037 What should you do as a Java Grande believer I? 038 What should you do as a Java Grande believer II?