HTML version of Abstract of Basic Foils prepared 10 October 99

Abstract of Uses of XML in Distance and Distributed Learning

From Uses of XML in Distance and Distributed Learning FSU Workshop on Symbolic Notations on the Web -- 8 October 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

1 We discuss the use of XML to set "permanent" and pragmatic local standards in a world moving with Internet Time
2 We use an example of a set of simple quizzes to both illustrate XML and its use to save content produced originally from a Java applet
3 We give other examples of XML to specify database access
4 We define the two important API's -- client and backend -- and suggest generic (broader than education) and education specific objects where XML is relevant
5 We suggest a model for a new type of "Portal building Tool"
6 We described SPW(Shared Portal on the Web) as an XML based collaborative Portal

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