Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 10 October 99

Foil 10 Sample XML for one type of quiz

From Uses of XML in Distance and Distributed Learning FSU Workshop on Symbolic Notations on the Web -- 8 October 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox

< npaceducationxml > <question questionID="0000005">
  • <timeInMinɬ</timeInMin>
  • <timeInSecᡖ</timeInSec>
  • <text>Which of the following are control structures?</text>
  • <multipleChoice>
    • <option>while</option>
    • <option>if-then-else</option>
    • <option>class</option>
    • <option>switch</option>
    • <option>public</option>
    • <correctAnswer>while</correctAnswer>
    • <correctAnswer>if-then-else</correctAnswer>
    • <correctAnswer>switch</correctAnswer>
  • </multipleChoice>
</question> </ npaceducationxml>

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