Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 18 99

Foil 15 XML for GEM ?

From Distributed Objects for GEM General Earthquake Simulation Project Meeting JPL Pasadena -- April 22 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 XML is the web distributed object model or
  • XML is ASCII format for database export or
  • XML is universal object serialization technology
2 If not XML, would need to design lots of database schema, "CORBA/Java Interface Definitions ..."
3 XML is just a generalized HTML (or a simplified SGML)
4 <faultsegment id="park101" date="Jan 1 2000" author="" source= .. Lat1="" lat2="" long1="" long2="" depth="" ..>Part of the Parkfield System</faultsegment> <stress type ="prediction" fault="park101" source="Multipole Simulation">(2.3,7.7,-7.2)</stress>
5 There are/will be wonderful tools to produce access edit and display XML
6 Need to design GEM specific tags

in Table To:

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