Basic HTML version of Foils prepared
May 18 99
Foil 14 Details of GEMCI - III
Distributed Objects for GEM General Earthquake Simulation Project Meeting JPL Pasadena --
April 22 99
Geoffrey C. Fox
4: Evaluation, Data analysis and Visualization. Take advantage of partner expertise.
For instance Boston University, NCSA and NPACI for visualization of large scale computations;
Current toolkit activity includes visualization but do you have existing preferred solutions?
Are "immersadesks/CAVEs" i.e. high end 3D immersive devices important?
5: Data Storage, indexing and access for experimental and computational information.
Here new distributed object approaches seem powerful and both NPACI and DoE have particularly strong programs that we can leverage.
XML standards helpful
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,
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