Basic HTML version of Foils prepared December 6 98

Foil 4 Components of GEMCI: GEM Computational Infrastructure

From Computational Science and HPCC Issues for GEM GEM Working Group Meeting -- December 5 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 1: User Interface
2 2: Fault-scale (Non-local) Equation Solver (Green's Function)
3 3: Modules specifying local Physics and friction
4 4: Evaluation, Data analysis and Visualization
5 5: Data Storage, indexing and access for experimental and computational information
6 6: Complex Systems and Pattern Dynamics Interactive Rapid Prototyping Environment (RPE) for developing new phenomenological models -- RPE includes analysis and visualization aspects
7 7: Overall Integration of GEMCI into a PSE(Problem Solving Environment)

in Table To:

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