Given by Tom Haupt at SCEC Annual Meeting Riviera Resort and Racquet Club Palm Springs on September 26-29 1999. Foils prepared October 3 1999
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Summary of Material
Poster produced for SCEC Annual Meeting Palm Springs |
SCEC is NSF/USGS Southern california Earthquake Center |
This describes a demonstration portal for JPL Codes |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Tomasz Haupt |
NPAC, Syracuse University | | |
To provide a problem-oriented interface (a Web portal) to more effectively utilize HPC resources from the desktop via the Web browser. This in turn will provide an efficient platform for publishing codes and data, and will become a seed for a powerful collaborative workbench for earthquake specialists. |
This "point & click" view hides the underlying complexities and details of the HPC resources and creates a seamless interface between the user's problem description on his/her desktop system and the heterogeneous computing resources |
These HPC resources include supercomputers, mass storage systems, databases, workstation clusters, collaborative tools, and visualization servers. |
Example: Moment calculator |
Seamless Data Transfer |
Visual Authoring Tools |
The portal is being implemented as a modern, object-oriented, distributed, three-tier system. |
The front end is implemented as a collection Java applets. |
The business logic is encapsulated as distributed components (CORBA based servers) that act as proxies for the back-end services, such as high performance computational resources and distributed data bases. |
Application specific knowledge databases |
Visual |
Authoring |
Tools |
User and |
Group |
Profiles |
Resource Identification and Access |
Visualizations |
Collaboration User Services |
Back-End Resources |
Web Portal |
WebFlow server is given |
by a hierarchy of containers |
and components |
WebFlow server hosts users and services |
Each user maintains a number of applications composed of custom modules and common services |
Components are software objects that provide implementations of a set of standard behaviors. These behaviors are defined by the component framework to ensure that components can be composed and interoperate efficiently and without conflict. |
A proxy for back end services |
Standardized data format (XML) with automatic conversion |
Standardized Application Descriptor |
disloc code written in C |
disloc2simplex script written in perl |
simplex code written in C |
Front End: |
Java Applet. |
CORBA client |
Middle Tier: |
distributed objects |
implemented in Java. |
CORBA servers |
Back End: |
comp. resources |
Challenges of this project include design of a universal, exchangeable data format and tools for instant conversion from a native format of various sources to the standard one enabling using it at input for computational and visualization modules, as well as simplifying data mining. We selected XML to define the standard data representation. |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<!DOCTYPE application SYSTEM "ApplDescV2.dtd"> |
<application id="disloc"> |
<target id=""> |
<status installed="Yes"/> |
<installed> |
<CmdLine command="/npac/home/webflow/GEM/JAY/dis2loc" /> |
<input> |
<inFile Path="/npac/home/webflow/GEM/JAY/" Name="disloc.output"/> |
<source Host="" Path="/npac/home/Jigsaw/WWW/tmp" Name="disloc.out"/ > |
</input> |
<output> |
<outFile Path="/npac/home/webflow/GEM/JAY/" Name="simplex.input" /> |
<dest Host="" Path="/npac/home/webflow/GEM/JAY/simplex/" Name="" /> |
</output> |
<stdout Host="" Path="/npac/home/haupt/webflow/history/" Name="job2001.out" > |
<stderr Host="" Path="/tmp/" Name="haupt_job2001.err" > |
</installed> |
</target> |
</application> |