Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 10 98

Foil 16 Future Design and Current Status of Curricula Material

From Technology Supercharging Knowledge: The Next Generation of Learning Communities 8th Annual Scholarship and Community Conference University of Houston (Hilton Hotel) -- October 7 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Future design will include virtual environments and interactive simulations and these can only improve a situation that is already better than current teaching model because
  • Can teach at a distance more students than in a class.
  • Thus can invest more effort in curricula by the most appropriate developers and so get more up to date understandable curricula of a traditional type
  • distributed electronic object model allows for greater re-use than current system allowing development of customized courses for special audiences
  • Universal access technology will also allow optimization of delivery of given material to special groups of users
  • And of course distance education can reach users who otherwise would find it hard to attend quality classes

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