Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 10 98

Foil 23 Learning and Teaching the Curricula I

From Technology Supercharging Knowledge: The Next Generation of Learning Communities 8th Annual Scholarship and Community Conference University of Houston (Hilton Hotel) -- October 7 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

So the students need to learn the material and they may need some sort of help from a teacher or mentor
In self paced or asynchronous learning, student studies material in his or her own time and essence of this is a web site which may of course be generated from a back-end web-linked database
  • optimal for highly motivated mature students such as those in continuing education
  • electronic version of using a library
In synchronous learning, teacher selects material from website and delivers it in electronic virtual class rooms
  • Homework is set from same website which remains a base asynchronous resource
  • Natural when teachers insight delivers motivation and clarification of key material to student
  • electronic version of traditional classes

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