Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Oct 1 98

Foil 34 JDK 1.1

From Java Tutorial 98- 1: Introduction to Java Language and Applets CPS606 -- Fall Semester. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Nancy McCracken

Java Development Kit 1.1
1 A substantial new version of Java released March 97 by JavaSoft.
2 This release includes many developments both by Sun and by partner companies such as IBM. There are minimal changes to the language - primarily development of new classes to support enterprise computing.
3 Netscape4.0 and Internet Explorer 4.0 do support JDK 1.1, on some platforms you must explicitly download the "AWT" version to get all of 1.1 support.
4 Features: better event model in the AWT, Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Remote Method Interface (RMI), internationalization, security certificates and encryption, and JavaBeans.

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