Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 1 99

Foil 17 Java vs. JavaScript

From Introduction to Java Language and Applets CPS406/606 Fall Semester 1999 -- September 2 99. by Nancy J. McCracken, Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Despite the word "java" in the name, JavaScript is a different language than Java, albeit with some similarities.
2 A JavaScript program is written directly into the HTML page, and is executed by the JavaScript intrepeter, so also executes dynamic web page content in the browser window.
3 JavaScript is special purpose - it is an object-based language that deals directly with browser entities such as windows, textfields, forms, frames and documents.
4 JavaScript can respond to browser events (not as many as Java's more complex capabilities with the user interface) such as mouse clicks and user-typed text.
5 JavaScript is easy and fast to write, but not as powerful as Java.

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