Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 1 99

Foil 11 Preparing an Applet

From Introduction to Java Language and Applets CPS406/606 Fall Semester 1999 -- September 2 99. by Nancy J. McCracken, Geoffrey C. Fox

The applet should be run through javac compiler getting a .class file as before: javac
The resulting file MyApplet.class is then stored in the document collection of a web server (hence has a URL location).
Also create an HTML file (say MyApplet.html) with an applet tag to MyApplet.class.
  • <APPLET codebase="" code = "MyApplet.class" width=300 height=100>
When the browser loads the .html file, it will also download the .class file and invoke the java interpreter to run the init, start, and paint methods.

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