Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 1 99

Foil 15 More Details on Applet Tags - II

From Introduction to Java Language and Applets CPS406/606 Fall Semester 1999 -- September 2 99. by Nancy J. McCracken, Geoffrey C. Fox

<APPLET CODE="StockGraph.class" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200
  • ALT="-- StockGraph Not Supported --"
  • Put a bunch of text here to be displayed by browsers such as Netscape 2.0 on Windows 3.1 that do not support Java
  • </APPLET>
ALT specifies text to displayed if the browser understands the applet tag, but if unable to run applets.
NAME specifies the name of this instance of the applet; This will make it possible for applets on the same page to find and communicate with each other.
ALIGN specifies the alignment of the applet. The possible values are the same as those available in the IMG tag (top, middle, bottom, texttop, absmiddle, baseline, absbottom, left, right).
  • Align=top which aligns top of applet with top of tallest item in the line
  • Align=texttop which aligns top of applet with top of the tallest text in the line
VSPACE and HSPACE specifies the vertical and horizontal spacing in pixels, around the applet space.

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