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Java Grande (a.k.a. Java for High Performance Computing) in a Nutshell

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Sun MicroSystems Java Day at CMU Pittsburgh on Sept 26 1998. Foils prepared Sept 30 1998

We describe Java Grande -- definition, motivation and current status
  • motivation discusses Java as a language and where it is clearly good and where it could be good!
  • Describe 3 very different aspects of computation where Java can be used
The Java Grande Forum has numerical and distributed computing working groups and projects include
  • study changes to Java and its runtime to enhance Grande applications and their programming environment
  • community activity to define seamless interfaces allowing universal access to general hosts
Discuss Java for Parallel Computing including message passing passing (MPI) and data parallelism
Give example of implied multi tier service architecture

Table of Contents for Java Grande (a.k.a. Java for High Performance Computing) in a Nutshell

001 Java Grande (a.k.a. Java for Scientific Computing or High 
    Performance Computing) in a Nutshell
002 Abstract of CMU Java Grande Presentation
003 What is Java Grande?
004 What are the Issues in Java Grande?
005 What is the Process?
006 Why is Java Worth Looking at?
007 What is the Competition?
008 Why could Java succeed where Fortran and C++ failed?
009 PPT Slide
010 A Multi-Tier Computing System
011 What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?
012 Two types of Things the Forum is doing
013 Activities of the Java Grande Forum I
014 Gosling on Operator  Overloading
015 Numerical Computing in Java
016 Matrix Multiplication Example
017 Java Grande Forum Proposals
018 Activities of the Java Grande Forum II
019 Some Remarks on Remote Method Invocation RMI
020 Performance for Java RMI/ORB's
021 Java Performance for Structures
022 C++ ORB Much Faster than Java!
023 What should you do as a Java Grande believer?
024 WebFlow + High Performance Backend Functional Architecture
025 WebFlow Multi-Tier Java plus high performance legacy code for NCSA
     Alliance Quantum Chemistry Application View
026 Summary of NPAC's JWORB natural Building Block of the Gateway
027 Multi-Server Middle Tier
028 Java and Parallelism I?
029 Java and Parallelism II?
030 PPT Slide
031 PPT Slide
032 Where are we now?
033 Java Framework for Computing Services I
034 Proposed Java Computing Services Framework II
035 Possible Services in a Java Computing Framework

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