Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at JavaOne Birds of a Feather on Java Grande San Francisco on June 16 99. Foils prepared July 6 99
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Use of Java for: |
High Performance Network Computing |
Scientific and Engineering Computation |
(Distributed) Modeling and Simulation |
Parallel and Distributed Computing |
Data Intensive Computing |
Communication and Computing Intensive Commercial and Academic Applications |
HPCC Computational Grids ........ |
Very difficult to find a "conventional name" that doesn't get misunderstood by some community! |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
JavaOne |
Birds of a Feather June 16, 1999 San Francisco |
Marriot Hotel |
Geoffrey Fox |
Syracuse University | | |
Use of Java for: |
High Performance Network Computing |
Scientific and Engineering Computation |
(Distributed) Modeling and Simulation |
Parallel and Distributed Computing |
Data Intensive Computing |
Communication and Computing Intensive Commercial and Academic Applications |
HPCC Computational Grids ........ |
Very difficult to find a "conventional name" that doesn't get misunderstood by some community! |
Java has potential to be a better environment for "Grande application development" than any previous languages such as Fortran and C++ |
The Forum Goal is to develop community consensus and recommendations for either changes to Java or establishment of standards (frameworks) for "Grande" libraries and services |
These Language changes or frameworks are designed to realize "best ever Grande programming environment" |
Activities involve "Working with Outside Community" (e.g. Floating Point Rules and RMI)
ACM Java Grande Conference '00 June '00 (? Stanford, San Francisco, UC Berkeley) |
SC99 November '99 "Presence"
ISCOPE '99 December 99 has strong Grande C++ and growing Java constituency. Could collocate Forum activity |
We learnt from the Keynote talks that: |
Parallel Computing (use of multiple CPU's to address a single problem) is inevitable
Today's supercomputer is a window to capabilities of tomorrow's desktop |
We will see by 2005, One Million connected workstation's, ?100? million connected consumer devices
Complexity prevents scaling of large systems
What can we learn from current Grande experience?
Current Grande techniques teach us algorithmic requirements such as the nifty sorting algorithms but only how to scale to 1000's of processes in controlled environments
New programming models i.e. new Java Grande framework requires merging and modifying Java and Grande ideas |
Java Grande Forum is bringing two communities together to address near term and future issues to enable scalable world wide Java VM |
Java thread model is insufficient for large scale parallelism |
Need to take experience from Grande community and provide
Performance is critical
Numerical computing has special needs in both
Java Grande framework must address both low level (messaging, floating point coding) and high level interfaces (portals to simulations, immersive worlds ...) |
Set of Workshops with increasing interest
Topics include compilation issues; applications; algorithms (math libraries); benchmarking; Java based programming environments(visualization); parallel computing and largest set of papers are in distributed systems |
Increase in Java tracks in mainstream Grande and Computer Science conferences
Centerpiece: ACM Java Grande Conferences held just before JavaOne (June 12-14 99, perhaps June 2-4 2000) |
We set up in February 98 a Forum to bring together players in this field |
Numerics Boisvert/Pozo
Concurrency and Applications Gannon/Caromel
New Areas
Geographically |
Distributed |
Grandecomputer |
Resources |
Enterprise |
Middleware |
Gateway |
System |
Geographically Distributed users |
and consultants |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Java Applets |
Java Language |
Java Servers |
Application Integration |
Visualization Server |
Seamless Access |
Collaboration |
Security Lookup |
Registration |
Agents/Brokers |
Backend Services |
Middleware |
Bunch of |
Web Servers |
and Object |
Brokers |
So computer users are interested in in being able to run their jobs in a seamless way that does not keep changing as backend computer resources are upgraded
Viewing computing as a distributed (object) service, need to define a "Java Computing Portal Framework" |
This enables development of Web Interfaces ("Portals") to run a given job on any computer with any data source compliant with this framework just as JDBC gives a universal interface to any relational database
The Computing Portal Framework will allow vendors to compete on either User Front End (GUI) or back end services with the JavaCS framework providing universal linkage |
Java Database Connectivity JDBC offers seamless access to databases with typically the three tier architecture shown below
Desktop Access to Remote Resources or DATORR was initial name | |
Oct 8-9 Meeting at Argonne and SC98 BoF |
Feb 15-16 at Sandia Albuquerque |
Collecting projects and abstracting requirements from user and system point of view |
Aim is to suggest standards for client-middleware (what is a task?) and middleware-backend (what is a resource) |
Standards will be in XML so can use in your favorite object model |
Common Portal Architecture initiative in NCSA alliance will drive DATORR with application requirements and (several) "workbench"/"Portal" implementations |
Integration with synergistic Grid Forum activities |
Role of Enterprise Javabeans? |
Grande Resource Discovery, Allocation and Scheduling
We are defining methods and properties of computers and programs viewed as distributed objects
Compiling, Executing, Specification of features needed for execution optimization
Accounting -- integrate with Web commerce technology? |
Authentication, Security (especially hard in metacomputing as link several different management policies)
Two major working groups promoting standards and community actions |
Numerics: Java as a language for mathematics led by Ron Boisvert and Roldan Pozo from NIST
So Java not only will run anywhere but can be expected to get same answers everywhere
Natural tension between performance (both in terms of speed and precision) and reproducibility
Java has particularly bad floating point performance due to
Solution requires "Change in Java Rules" and better compilers |
Design Goals/Requirements:
We propose three modes of floating point execution |
strictfp: Reproducible results as in current default |
new default: Exploit natural hardware (extended exponent in Intel and fused multiply add FMA) |
associatefp: Allow conventional compiler optimizations |
Sun will consider some version of this starting with ability to use FMA |
Generic Types, Operator Overloading and lightweight classes are also serious possibilities for thoughtful additions to Java language |
Working with internal Sun staff on drafting modest proposals (as of March 11 meeting in Palo Alto) |
Distributed and Parallel Computing led by Dennis Gannon and Denis Caromel (INRIA, France)
Development of Grande Application benchmarks
RMI and Object Serialization.
Problem Solved? yes and no. |
What is next? Jini ? |
Java Grande Forum Benchmarking Activity
Serial Suite
Java API for MPI
Experiments with OO models.
Performance Studies (see ACM Java Grande Conference 99) |
What are the outstanding Issues for Grande Applications?
So good news is that RMI has enabled very active distributed computing research and indeed development as in JavaSpaces from Sun |
Performance is reasonable but insufficient for some applications
Forum suggests (optional) changes in several areas including
What is the Impact of Jini?