Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 2 1998

Foil 31 What should you do as a Java Grande believer?

From Java Grande (a.k.a. Java for High Performance Computing) in a Nutshell Sun MicroSystems Java Day at MIT (Marriot Hotel Cambridge MA) -- Sept 25 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Don't need to rewrite existing codes in Java!
2 Rather use Java freely at client and "gateway" tier
3 Wrap existing codes as CORBA or Java distributed objects
4 Conduct suitable experiments in using Java in complete Grande applications
5 Make certain your interests are represented in Java Grande Forum
6 Retrain your staff in Java Web and distributed object technologies
7 Put "High Performance Grande Forum compliant" Java support into your RFP's for hardware and software

in Table To:

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