Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 2 1998

Foil 19 Activities of the Java Grande Forum II

From Java Grande (a.k.a. Java for High Performance Computing) in a Nutshell Sun MicroSystems Java Day at MIT (Marriot Hotel Cambridge MA) -- Sept 25 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Distributed and Parallel Computing led by Dennis Gannon and Denis Caromel (INRIA, France)
  • Performance of RMI (Attractive Java distributed object model - "remote method invocation")
  • Performance of Java runtime (the virtual machine VM) with lots of threads, I/O, memory use
  • Parallel Computing interfaces including Java MPI binding
  • Development of universal (Condor, Globus, Legion UNICORE WebSubmit ..) Java interface to computing resources -- enables seamless computing (easier than metacomputing!)
  • Special seamless computing meeting at Argonne October 98
Development of Grande Application benchmarks

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