Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Jan 31 99

Foil 9 Problems with Scivis... (Yes there were many)

From Overview of SV2 and SciVis BBH Grand Challenge Meeting Austin Texas -- November 5-6 1998. by Scott Klasky

1 Difficult for users to exchange filters, since each user ran their own server.
2 Difficult for users to run the Isosurface routine.
3 Slow performance for 3D graphics.
4 Collaborations with many users would often kill the system.
5 We wanted an easy way to incorporate "state-of-the-art" visualization routines (like Stanford's Volpack routines for raytracing, or VTK routines).
6 Needed a methodology for creating "maps" of filters, so users could invoke them from C/Fortran/Java.
7 Operates on the premise of shared inputs.

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