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Overview of BBH Simulations

Given by Scott Klasky at Physics Colloquium on Oct 29 1998. Foils prepared Jan 31 99

Physics Colloquium Oct 29 1998 based on Binary Black Hole (BBH) Computational Grand Challenge
1. Understand black holes & gravity waves
2. Learn the Einstein field equations
3. Convert eqns. To eqns. We evolve numerically
4. Model these equations on a computer
5. Modeling black holes
6. Understand the inner boundary
7. Understand the outer boundary
8. Putting it together
9. Model the elliptic pde's
10. Build computational infrastructure
To really model 2 black holes, we better understand the "real" problems!!

Table of Contents for Overview of BBH Simulations

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1 10 Easy? Steps to Model a Black Hole
2 The 10 Steps
3 Step 0: Motivation
4 0: Background: Binary Black Hole Grand Challenge
5 0:astrophysical Sources of Gravitational Waves
6 0:Gravitational Wave Detectors
7 1: What Are Black Holes?
8 1:Event Horizons
9 1:Apparent Horizons
10 2:Einstein Field Equations
11 3: 3+1 Decomposition of Spacetime
12 3: ADM 3+1 Form
13 3:ADM 3+1 form (cont.)
14 3:Casual differencing
15 3:Description of causal differencing
16 3:Description of CD (continued)
17 4: Computational Solutions
18 4:Computational Solutions
19 4:Computational Solutions (cont.)
20 4:Computational Solutions (cont.)
21 5: Modeling Black Holes
22 5:Modeling Black Holes
23 5: Modeling black holes (picture)
24 5: Modeling black holes (picture)
25 6: The Inner Boundary
26 6: The Inner Boundary (cont.)
27 6: The inner boundary+causal differencing
28 6: Inner boundary + causal differencing
29 6: The Inner Boundary
30 7:Outer Boundary
31 7:Blended Dirchlet Outer boundary
32 8: Putting it together
33 8:Non-Moving Black Holes (Centered)
34 8:Non-Moving Black Holes (Centered)
35 8:Non-Moving Black Holes (Centered)
36 8:Non-Moving Black Holes (Centered)
37 8:Boosted Black Holes
38 8:Boosted Black Holes
39 9:Elliptic Problems
40 10:Computational Infrastructure
41 10: DAGH
42 10: Visualization Software (Ki, Klasky)
43 10: SV2 System Architecture
44 Major Obstacles

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