Given by Scott Klasky at Physics Colloquium on Oct 29 1998. Foils prepared Jan 31 99
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Summary of Material
Physics Colloquium Oct 29 1998 based on Binary Black Hole (BBH) Computational Grand Challenge |
1. Understand black holes & gravity waves |
2. Learn the Einstein field equations |
3. Convert eqns. To eqns. We evolve numerically |
4. Model these equations on a computer |
5. Modeling black holes |
6. Understand the inner boundary |
7. Understand the outer boundary |
8. Putting it together |
9. Model the elliptic pde's |
10. Build computational infrastructure |
To really model 2 black holes, we better understand the "real" problems!! |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Scott A. Klasky |
NPAC (Syracuse University) |
In collaboration with |
Geoffrey Fox, Mijan Huq, Pablo Laguna, and Richard Matzner |
And the binary black hole grand challenge alliance |
Supported by NSF PHY 9318152 (ARPA supplemented), NSF PHY9310083 and Cray research |
0. Motivate |
1. Understand black holes & gravity waves |
2. Learn the Einstein field equations |
3. Convert eqns. To eqns. We evolve numerically |
4. Model these equations on a computer |
5. Modeling black holes |
6. Understand the inner boundary |
7. Understand the outer boundary |
8. Putting it together |
9. Model the elliptic pde's |
10. Build computational infrastructure |
To really model 2 black holes, we better understand the "real" problems!! |
Computational solution to the Einstein Field Equations for the purposes of modeling black hole spacetimes. |
Binary Black Hole mergers provide strong detectable sources of gravitational radiation. |
Accurate predictions of waveforms expected to enhance the detectability of gravity waves, build database of waveforms |
Computational simulations of black hole mergers are important for accurate detection and characterization of GW. |
Simulations of Binary Black Hole mergers will provide insights into strong field GR as well as provide a solution to the two-body problem of GR. |
Alliance of 8 universities with the charter to predict gravitational radiation waveforms from binary black hole mergers. |
Problem broken up into components. |
Interior evolution (strong field region).
Outer boundary matching to characteristic exterior code.
Coalescence of binary black holes .
Coalescence of binary neutron stars. |
Supernovae. |
Other sources (stochastic background radiation). |
Laser Interferometric Gravitational wave Observatory. |
Ground-based detectors (GEO,VIRGO and one in Japan). |
Space-based detectors (LISA and OMEGA). |
Ability to detect astrophysical sources of gravitational radiation will bring about the possibility of gravitational wave astronomy. |
A black hole is a region of spacetime from which it is not possible to communicate with "infinity". |
Black holes are a possible endpoint of stellar evolution. |
Black holes are predictions of Einstein's theory. They are vacuum solutions to the Einstein field equations. |
Black holes contain curvature singularities contained within causal boundaries.
The event horizon is the boundary in spacetime between those light rays that can escape to infinity and those that cannot.
Apparent horizons are locatable with data at one instant of time. That is, they are local objects in contrast to event horizons which are global objects. |
Apparent horizons provide an ideal surface for excision of the black hole singularity. Points inside the apparent horizon are causally disconnected from points exterior to it. Hence we use it to excise the curvature singularity within black holes. |
The apparent horizon is defined by the solution of an elliptic equation. |
Relates the geometry of spacetime, as given by a spacetime metric, to mass-energy contained within it.
Matter/Energy curves spacetime and that in turn affects trajectories in it. For example:
Black Holes are vacuum solutions (i.e.: Tmn= 0 )
Gmn = kTmn |
Pose the Einstein Field Equations as a Cauchy problem
A relationship between the components of the metric of spacetime and those of the spatial 3-metric are defined. |
We can look at the (ADM) form of the metric to see this: |
ds2 = - a2dt2+gij(dxi+bidt)(dxj+b jdt), |
where the functions a and bi are called the lapse and shift functions, and gij is the 3-metric |
a determines the lapse in proper time, and bi describes the shift in the spatial coordinates, and ti are the tangents to a coordinate observer (moving through the spacetime moves timelike direction by a dt, and spacelike direction by b i). |
The extrinsic curvature is a spacelike object which determines the contraction and shear of the normals to the hypersurface. |
We can rewrite the ADM equations as:
Causal Differencing:
Evolve only the exterior of the hole, ignore interior.
Coordinates are well-behaved:
Using CD, quantities are evolved along the center of the local light cone, then placed at their spatial locations. |
Casual differencing allows for arbitrary choice of shift vector, makes the courant condition independent of the shift, naturally handles black hole excision, moving holes. |
Canonical coordinate system denoted by (t,xi):Lt=¶/¶t
Introduce new coordinates :
Break up evolution into 2 smaller steps:
We use 3D rectangular grids with Cartesian coordinates |
Finite differencing to O(h2) in space
Use Iterative Crank-Nicholson time update scheme. |
Code has provisions for both 2-level and 3-level time update schemes |
Convergence tested with a variety of model spacetimes, (Linearized GW, black hole spacetimes, Cosmological spacetimes, etc) and found to be O(h2) |
2 original versions of the code: FORTRAN 90 computational kernel with FORTRAN 90 and C++ DAGH (MPI based) front-ends (i.e.: serial and parallel versions).
A new version of the code, AGAVE, is being developed which uses the Cactus (Postdam) front end, and provides linear speedup on Multiple processors. |
Storage requirements
Computationally expensive.
Boundary conditions
We believe that for 1 hole we understand how to model the inner boundary "Boosted 3-dimensional Black-Hole Evolutions with Singularity Excision", w/ G.B. Cook et al., Phys. Rev Lett, Vol 80, Number 12 (1998). |
Eventually outer boundary will be matched to an exterior evolution code that evolves the geometry along outgoing characteristics
Wave Extraction at infinity |
Cauchy Code |
Outer module |
Dirchlet |
blended |
excised |
Causal structure of Black holes such that no boundary conditions are required at and inside the apparent horizon of the black hole. |
Require a good choice of "coordinates" in order to take advantage of this |
The only problems that we have been able to do, have been "model problems" which give us coordinate conditions for static rotating, moving black holes (Choice corresponds to the Kerr-Schild spacetime metric or ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates for Schwarzschild black holes) |
The Schwarzschild (Ingoing Eddington-Finklestein) and Kerr spacetimes use the Kerr-Schild form of the metric: |
For a time-independent hole the algorithm is as follows:
The only difference for an advecting hole is that
For the emerging point, we can either extrapolate bi or extrapolate |
Stability of the inner boundary: Sources of problems
Current research efforts are on interpolation techniques
3 methods
Evolves "forever" with the following model problem |
Schwarzschild (Ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein) and Kerr spacetimes used. |
Inner boundary differencing done to O(h2) with the truncation error matched to centered differencing operators. |
Excised 2-sphere of radius r0=2M-ph(h=grid spacing, p=number of buffer zones). |
Blended shell of inner and outer radii, R0 and R1,
Broke down the problem into a series of experiments
Longest running 3D evolution of static black hole. |
Cauchy evolution of a propagating hole
Place the black hole in a computational grid of 49x49x49 points. |
Excise the singularity with a buffer region of p points inside the apparent horizon (r=2M). Dirichlet outer boundary conditions. |
ph |
2M |
8M |
Found a dependency on number of buffer zones utilized
Find that the problem seems to be with coordinate conditions. Ripple from outer boundary travels inwards, excites the inner boundary. Repeated instances lead to coordinate drifting and an eventual coordinate pathology |
Introduced a "blending" region shown (exaggerated) by the shaded shell above |
Linearly interpolated between computed and exact solution |
Found that by "smoothing" out the outer boundary that we were able to prolong and in some cases apparently lead to stable evolutions. |
Find that the "proper" imposition of coordinate effects may be required. Our exact specification seems to be leading to coordinate drifting and hence our inner boundary instability. |
One set of runs where results converge to a static solution (taken to be stable. Changes go down towards roundoff). |
Longest prior evolutions due to Daues(~140M). |
Problems occur when the outer boundary is at a large M. |
Grid size: 33x33x65 (h=1/4). |
Boost in z-direction with a velocity of 0.1c . |
Dirichlet Outer Boundaries as a function of time. |
Lapse and shift (coordinate conditions) determined from exact expressions imposed as a function of time |
Utilized 5 buffer regions inside of apparent horizon to place the the inner boundary |
Dirichlet outer boundary conditions. |
Found that we can "move" a black hole (an excised region) for 3 black hole radii. |
Importance here is that we can correctly propagate the black hole such that points that were previously excised are causally updated. |
Data show that trailing end of black hole is smoothly update. |
Problems however, with coordinate conditions. |
Phys.Rev.Lett. 80 (1998) 2512-2516 |
Picture1, Picture 2 |
Movie 1, Movie 2 |
Simple Examples used Ingoing Eddington Finkelstein Coords. |
Previously, for 2 black holes, we tried to use Isotropic Schwarzschild). |
If we want to use "EF-like" coordinates, then we need new prescription to solve equations. |
Hamiltonian. |
Momentum. |
Maximal Slicing |
Min. Distortion |
Boundary Conditions!!!! (Elliptics Need a boundary Eqn) |
Need: A parallel code which uses Adaptive Mesh Refinement.
Distributed dynamic data-structures for Parallel Hierarchical AMR
High-Level Programming Abstractions for AMR
Checkpoint/Restart Support |
SV2: The next generation of Scivis. |
Simulation |
SV2 Server |
Ray Tracing |
Isosurfaces |
Simple |
User Definable |
Filters |
Scivis |
Client |
VRML Client |
Gauge Conditions (Coordinate Conditions).
We want to construct the Lapse and shift that:
Blending energy from normal deflection |