HTML version of Abstract of Basic Foils prepared Feb 20 1999

Abstract of Review of MAPINT and Gateway at ASC

From Review of MAPINT and Gateway at ASC ARL ASC Joint Mid Year Review Aberdeen Maryland -- Feb 23-25 1999. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

1 We describe 1998 MAPINT Conference and plans for 1999
2 We describe DATORR -- a national activity to set standards to allow general clients seamless access to general backend compute resources
4 We describe Gateway - a ASC MSRC PET Project to provide a specific realization of DATORR with a rich web launching environment for each CTA
  • Involves Nicholls (ASC), OSC, NPAC, in Core project and
  • Tennessee, NCSA and OSU in associated activities
5 We describe WebFlow - an NPAC "Pragmatic Object Web" technology used in NCSA Alliance and CEWES projects to develop prototype web launching (web PSE's) environments

in Table To:

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