Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 21 99

Foil 14 Shared Place Example: Introduction

From Overview of Shared Places on the Web XML Developers Conference Montreal -- August 19-20 1999. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Lukasz Beca, Marek Podgorny

1 In this example we define a simple shared place where the results of some scientific computations are available.
2 The place can be used also for discussion among collaborating scientists. The discussion is supported by two shared objects: chat and data viewer.
3 The chat can be used for the text based discussion about presented results.
4 The data viewer can be used for the graphical presentation of the results. The authors of the results (`creators') have access to the advanced functionality of the data viewer. (e.g. support of particular XML dialects) They can use this functionality to present their findings visually to the `observers'.
5 The shared place is defined by two documents. The presentation layer is described by the HTML document and the collaboration functionality is defined by the SPDL XML/XSL document.

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