Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 21 99

Foil 32 User and System Events

From Overview of Shared Places on the Web XML Developers Conference Montreal -- August 19-20 1999. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Lukasz Beca, Marek Podgorny

1 One can either share raw system message (click event occurred) or higher level user event generated by JavaScript invoked by event
2 Note Netscape 4.5 does NOT allow you to generate a general event in a page
  • You can invoke "click" events on form elements but not so events associated with layers
  • You can parse JavaScript invoked by event and transmit but this is unreliable
3 So User events are convenient and sometimes required
4 Function process() ...
5 Invoke Tango JS Interface
6 with user defined meaning
7 Click on Button which happens to
8 invoke some User JavaScript Code
9 Capture Click and
10 Invoke Tango JS Interface
11 with meaning that click occurred
12 Or

in Table To:

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