Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 30 98

Foil 26 HLA/RTI and Coarse Grain Technologies II

From A Coarse Grain Performance Estimator -- PetaSIM and a Hybrid Distributed Object Model for the IPG NASA Workshop on Performance Engineered Information Systems -- Sept 28-29 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Yuhong Wen, Wojtek Furmanski, Tom Haupt

1 Coarse Grain Entities can be time synchronized simulations and use MPI(HPF?) at either middle or back end tier or as in DMSO simulations a federate running a custom discrete event simulation
2 Use DMSO Object model HLA to specify object structure of jobs and systems at middle tier level
3 A HLA Federation could be the set of all jobs to be run on a particular site
  • We can classify both jobs and computers as separate federations
4 A HLA Federate could be a job consisting of multiple possibly shared objects
5 Use DMSO Runtime Infrastructure RTI to implement dynamic management
  • As RTI already incorporates time management as a service, it can be basis of powerful commodity resource management at level of linked coarse grain objects

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