Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 30 98

Foil 10 Nodeset: Sample Object Structure

From A Coarse Grain Performance Estimator -- PetaSIM and a Hybrid Distributed Object Model for the IPG NASA Workshop on Performance Engineered Information Systems -- Sept 28-29 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Yuhong Wen, Wojtek Furmanski, Tom Haupt

Name: one per nodeset object
type: choose from memory, cache, disk, CPU, pathway
number: number of members of this nodeset in the architecture
grainsize: size in bytes of each member of this nodeset (for memory, cache, disk)
bandwidth: maximum bandwidth allowed in any one member of this nodeset
floatspeed: CPU's float calculating speed
calculate(): method used by CPU nodeset to perform computation
cacherule: controls persistence of data in a memory or cache
portcount: number of ports on each member of nodeset
portname[]: ports connected to linkset
portlink[]: name of linkset connecting to this port
nodeset_member_list: list of nodeset members in this nodeset (for nodeset member identification)

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