Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 30 98

Foil 29 PetaSIM and Collaborative Engineering II

From A Coarse Grain Performance Estimator -- PetaSIM and a Hybrid Distributed Object Model for the IPG NASA Workshop on Performance Engineered Information Systems -- Sept 28-29 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Yuhong Wen, Wojtek Furmanski, Tom Haupt

Collaborative Sessions have new measures of performance
Quality of received multimedia -- especially audio -- which is streamed in real time and data thrown out if comes too late
Results of simulations and resources (e.g. web pages accessed) used in session can be transmitted asynchronously. If network congestion, the results are typically correct but received late
  • We are familiar with and tolerant of this with the web
  • However in a collaborative session, if data delayed to one participant all have to wait or that participant does not have this information during discussion. One uses mirror sites and proxy servers to alleviate this problem
All of these features and implied goodness measures should be built into PetaSIM -- this appears straightforward

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