Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 30 1999

Foil 8 Arrays

From Short Introduction to Kids on Basic Programming Concepts in Java Sonia Kovalesky festival workshop (High School Girls) -- October 23 1999. by Nancy McCracken

1 Sometimes you have a collection of values that you want to give one name. One way to do that in Java is to have an array.
2 To create an array like this, you must say what type the elements are (they must all be the same type) and how many there will be:
3 An array has a set of positions to store values. Each position is given an index number:
4 int numbers [ ] = new int [ 7 ] ;
5 String labels [ ] = new String [ 64 ] ;
6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

in Table To:

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