Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 24 99

Foil 13 WebFlow Events (1)

From WebFlow and Friends for Education and Science Portals NCSA Portal/Metadata Meeting -- October 22-23 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Tom Haupt

1 WebFlow components (modules) are developed independently of each other.
2 They can interact with each other through WebFlow events. (They can use remote invocation, but it requires the caller to have reference to the target module, which violates the WebFlow "module independence" rule).
3 There is only one type of WebFlow events. An event (same as a message) is a (self-describing) object that encapsulates data to be transferred from one module to another.
4 Each module can serve as a sink.
5 Event sources and sinks are associated at run time by the client invoking CORBA dynamic interfaces.

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