Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 24 99

Foil 27 PPT Slide

From WebFlow and Friends for Education and Science Portals NCSA Portal/Metadata Meeting -- October 22-23 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Tom Haupt

1 Prepare Data
2 disloc proxy
3 Post Process
4 Generate disloc input
5 disloc proxy
6 disloc2simplex proxy
7 simplex proxy
8 compare
9 disloc code written in C
10 disloc2simplex script written in perl
11 simplex code written in C
12 Front End:
13 Java Applet.
14 CORBA client
15 Middle Tier:
16 distributed objects
17 implemented in Java.
18 CORBA servers
19 Back End:
20 computing
21 resources
22 Iterate

in Table To:

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